"That's what I love about Sunday"
What a great Easter weekend! I hope you all had fun with your family and friends.
Friday night for me consisted of 2 photo-shoots. I was SO thankful for beautiful weather!! That whole day was pretty overcast and there was also a good chance of rain but out of nowhere the sun came out! It was was perfect. Saturday we met with my brother and nephews for lunch and shaved ice. Afterwards we went to the 5 o'clock service at church and let me tell you it was amazing!!! From the worship, to the drama and our pastor who spoke on breaking chains that weigh us down in our lives. I had tears my eyes quite a few times. It was such an amazing service. After, we went out for some Pho with our church family and our kids. I seriously love them!
Sunday we woke up and went to my in-laws. We did something different this year with the girls. Every Easter I always us their basket's to fill with goodies and toys Etc. It's so exciting for me to see their faces in the morning. This year I decided to only get them one thing each. They've used the same Easter basket for the last few years but I found some really cute floral ones at Target and (score!) they were on sale. So I was telling my husband what I got my older daughter and that I needed to get our younger daughter something still. He replied, "no, no gifts this year". I quickly said whaa??? He said, I don't want the girls to associate Easter with always getting a bunch of toys and things. This isn't why we celebrate Easter. He's never said this before or dis-agreed with me getting them things. While I agreed with him I wanted to stomp my foot and say "but, but". It's so fun doing these things with kids and we've done it every year. He asked me specifically what I remember getting as a kid growing up and I said, usually a small basket with chocolate, eggs, or a bunny and some eggs with candy. He said, exactly. All he ever got was usually one chocolate bunny or a chocolate egg. We never got toys or big things. I know I've received a stuffed animal but it wasn't every year. This whole year for me has been about changing my (our) lives to become more simplistic. For personal reasons I need to do this which is why I limited it to just one gift but my husband's reply resonated with me. I went to Whole Foods and bought two small chocolate bunnies no bigger than the palm of my hand and I still had to throw in a lip gloss ;) I put them in clear plastic bags and put a bow on them. The girls were SO excited and showed no difference from getting a huge basket full of toys and more candy from years past. The excitement was exactly the same. I felt good about it, they felt good and it was a good Easter morning. We watched a devotional on why we celebrate and the day continued. They still received the cutest straw purses with goodies and candy from their GIGI and fun stuff from their egg hunt at Nana's. This simplistic Easter worked for us this year. Maybe we will do this again next year maybe we won't but I felt the conviction of not over doing it and really focusing more on the importance of Easter with them. While it's a blast my husband is right. Every year doesn't have to be about tons of little gifts.
I loved that I snapped this! My father-n-law isn't in the best health right now. We don't get to see him to often because of it.
All in all the was a great Easter ;) Remember it's not really about the bunny but about the lamb.
XOXO, Jenn